Autumn Produce
So the summer is almost over and the long weeks of holidays, sun, lie-ins and barbecues are coming to a close. But with today being the first day if metereological Autumn there is still much to look forward to. The best time of the year for garden produce makes this the time to make preserves, chutneys and jams. Even though we live in the city our garden is full of an abundance of fantastic fruits just ready to be stored and eaten. The apples on our two trees are perfect for picking and eating straight from the branches or peeled and sliced and mixed with blackberries picked from the local park to create arguably the best crumble filling ever considered. Just don’t forget the custard! At the bottom of the garden our pear tree, which in previous years as been decidedly unproductive, has this year been dropping delicious pears every day for the last three weeks. Together with the addition of walnuts, sultanas and copious amounts of cider vinegar (with a little sugar for...