How Tasty Am I?

As you read the title of today's entry you may be thinking, actually pretty tasty. If you are a mosquito and could read, and for that matter think, then the answer is likely to be definitely tasty. 


As part of my job, I was very lucky to have spent part of the British summer by a small lake complex. There was a huge amount of wildlife in the air. I think that the insects in particular where trying to make the most of the Sun and dry weather before the status quo resumed.

A large part of these small flying organisms was the mosquito. In the past the mosquito has not been a particular nemesis of mine, however this season it is all change.

I have noticed that recently these annoying, although perfectly evolved, buzzing needles have decided to make a mosquito-line for my warm, English blood. In short I became lunch.


Last night I examined the damage, although I had swatted at least 3 of the critters, one of which seemed to explode in my hand releasing a pint of my own claret, at least 8 managed to get through. There wasn't much to see just a few needle holes.

This morning was a different matter altogether. I had spent a disturbed night itching away and this morning my left hand was swollen, and the bites on my right arm had large red patches at least 3cm in diameter. By lunch my hand had swollen so much the knuckles had disappeared, indeed my hand could have belonged to Boss Hogg himself.

Not too swollen here

The pharmacy gave me antihistamines and hydrocortisone cream and this seemed to help a bit. What was more of worry was that she told me to visit the doctor if there was no improvement-you don't want your hand to split?
Hand splitting??? What? She didn't look like she was joking either! Maybe I just don't get pharmacy humour.

Self diagnosis

The GPs might have been on strike today but that doesn't stop me making a diagnosis. Self diagnosis using Dr Google is becoming the thing to do and after about 30secs of searching I had diagnosed my condition as Skeeter Syndrome. Apparently this is a localised allergic reaction to the polypeptides in the saliva of the mosquito. Of course it could be cellulitis. I guess it depends how quickly the swelling appears. I couldn't find anything about skin splitting.

Why me?

Apparently there has been a lot of research investigating why some people are more susceptible. There is a large chance that most of this is genetics, somehow the way we are made attracts them.

In addition pregnant women (not me) and people who release chemicals such as uric acid and cholesterol breakdown products are more likely to get bitten.

Yumm, uric acid and chlolesterol breakdown products, a delicious concoction. Sounds like it smells bad!!

Apparently mosquitos can smell their prey from 50m away!!

If you can smell me from 50m come and find out how tasty I am, but watch out for my fly swat.




  1. Allergic reactions itch and the swelling fluctuates. Cellulitis is infection and is painful, constant and hot.

  2. Thank you anonymous. Definitely more itchy

  3. Just seen this that was exhibited at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition back in 2006:,

    The 2012 exhibition is on in London next week and is free! I'll be there with the Breathless Genes exhibit :)

  4. 3 friends recently have all been bitten and had to go to hospital as a result of serious insect bites causing huge swelling. All were prescribed a course of antibiotics and told to elevate their infected limb to prevent further spread of the poison. I recommend insect repellant and long sleeved cloth and tops similar to what you'd wear in the jungle!


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