Energy Suppliers

Somewhere under the ground supplying my house is a pipe along which travels natural gas. Additionally there is a big cable that is connected to the step down transformer at the end of the street along which mains electricity flows into my house.

There are now a large number of energy suppliers that can in some way control the gas and electricity that I use. I say in some way, as I have to pay these companies to supply me with my energy needs. This is where I get a little bit lost...

I don't understand how it all works. Let's say I am with one supplier (let's call it Energic). They are supplying me with gas and electricity. Someone from Energic will come round to read my meters, although in reality they will expect me to do that and submit the readings on line. Now, let's imagine that for one reason or another, perhaps a huge increase in cost, I decide to switch suppliers. I find another company, Greenercal, that can do a better deal. I apply online and they tell me not to worry they will do the switch for me.

After a few weeks my supplier has switched. But what has really changed? Have I got different gas and electricity? Do I have more or less? It is of a different quality? Is Energic electricity generated in a different way to Greenercal? Is the gas from Energic obtained from a different source than Greenercal?

I guess technically the answer to some of these questions is yes but there is no way that my electricity is generated exclusively in a Greenercal power station. What gets to my house must be a 'mixture' of electricity from the National Grid.

Does it really matter who supplies me? Well as far as I am concerned the best supplier is the one that gives me good customer service and a cheap price...

Any suggestions?



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