Pandora's Box

According to Wikipedia, Pandora was the first woman described in ancient mythology. She was made out of clay. The gods helped to create her by each giving her gifts.

Pandora is said to have opened a jar 'the Pandora's box'. Upon doing do she released all the evils of the world leaving hope inside.

I have been surrounded by boxes this afternoon and evening. They are somewhat helpfully marked with words such as lounge and kitchen.

Unfortunately not all the boxes are correctly labelled or in the right place.
I spent 40 minutes looking for the Sky box and still can't find the bottle opener.

Opening the boxes has not yet released the evils of mankind although I did find a pair of my daughters rank socks. I still plan to hide in one of the boxes. It could be a great game...

I still hope to find the speakers for the living room. I might try in the garage tomorrow night.


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