Is it time for bed?

Occasionally I have trouble getting to sleep. Last night was one of those nights. I went to bed at my normal time and as usual read a little but then I found it really difficult to drop off.

It was a hot, humid, still night and this wasn't helping my cause. I couldn't get comfortable, having one leg hanging out of the bed trying to keep cool. I have a sleep position. A position were I feel most comfortable. This is lying on my right side with my head resting on the crook of my arm. Normally as soon as I turn off the light and get into this position I instantly fall asleep. But not last night.

I had itchy legs and every few minutes found I had to change position. At sometime after midnight I decided to get up and went downstairs to watch some TV. I ended up watching Bram Stokers Dracula, the one with Antony Hopkins and Gary Oldman. I'm not sure that this is the right movie to be watching when suffering from insomnia...I watched the whole film without a yawn and sneaked back to bed.
Still sleep did not reach me, so after more tossing and turning I went back downstairs and read for an hour or so. By the time I returned to bed it was past four in the morning. At last I was able to sleep waking three hours later.
Needless to say I have been knackered today, and even had a doze watching Taekwondo, maybe I should watch that tonight...
Sleep tight and sweet dreams.


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