Why am I so rubbish at DIY?

My tap is still dripping...in fact it's dripping much faster than it was. It now drips at a rate of one drip per second and I am getting concerned for the effect that it might be having on the environment. 

I received the spare part from the company a few weeks ago. It even came with instructions to explain how it should be fixed, however, my DIY skills have never been very good. I would not rate DIY as one of my skill sets. But this job should be easy, no more difficult than changing a car headlight. The issue is that the tap handle should just pull off, but in doing this I am worried that I will just break the tap.


So today I tried to employ a plumber for the job, the charges are extortionate. One plumber reckoned it would cost me 120 quid; for what should be the simple replacement of a sealed washer unit, remember I already have the spare part!!


Well, stuff that, I decided to have a go. I pulled the handle hard and it came off just as illustrated in the instructions. That surprised me as I hadn't expected that. I decided to get the tools and continue. I followed the instructions and without too much difficulty managed to remove the next two components.


Then I reached the washer unit that needs to be replaced. The instructions are clear that this needs to be removed using a spanner. No problem. I have one of those. So I pick up the spanner and give it a go. Does the damn thing move? Of course it doesn't budge. I try again harder conscious that if I'm not careful I will damage the tap, still it doesn't move. The tap looks like it has been affected by my nemesis the calcium carbonate so I add some limescale remover and give it a bit of time to work hoping that this will help to loosen it.


Does it?


No of course not!


Once again my DIY skills have let me down. All I wanted was just for once, to fix something to prove that occasionally that I can in fact do something practical. But once again I have failed.


So I rang another plumber, one recommended to me, and explained to him the situation and my failure. He seemed amused, well of course I'm going to be paying him shed loads of money...to fix something that should be straight forward.


Stop the press, just as I was finishing today's blog another plumber rang answering my Internet plea for help. He is on his way and reckons he might be able to fix it for a very reasonable fee, let's hope so.



    I was so close to fixing it. I just needed a bigger wrench, it's all about moments! But the story is not over. The company sent the wrong washer unit. They sent the hot tap version so now the tap works but backwards...so the saga continues as I attempt to get the correct part. At least I will be able to fix it myself next time.

    1. Just realised, you always need a bigger tool

  2. Men who have a background in engineering are good at DIY, in my experience. Worth knowing...

  3. With you there Ed....... I too am useless at DIY, in fact I think the phrase is DIY disaster fits me pretty well, but then when you do buy in the skills they seem to have similar problems and it is never quite up to the standards of my wife....... so at least it isnt only me!! CE


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