Are you aware?

September always brings a little smile to my face as into the third week one of my favourite awareness days occurs. On the 19th September of each year International Talk Like a Pirate Day occurs. What a fantastic excuse to polish up those pirate phrases, like shiver me timbers, landlubber, grog me barkeep and land ahoy; otherwise you can just spend the day going argggghhh me hearties.

If you are interested in getting involved you can find out lots more here.

This got me thinking about these national awareness days and what others we might be in line for this month. I was gutted to see that I missed National Bacon Day on the 1st September, where it seems it is important to guzzle as much bacon as you can; I'm sure the pigs dread that day coming round.

In a strange twist of fate as I can't believe for one second that it would be so well organised ths week is 'Know your numbers week', this is not about Maths but about knowing your health numbers like your blood pressure, resting heart rate and BMI. The following week is chlolesterol week. Just as well I missed National Bacon day.

Coming up in the month, no pun intended, is National Sexual Awareness Week, I first thought that this was a time just to talk about sex incessantly but apparently I was misinformed and it is in fact National Sexual Health Awareness Week.

September is Organic Month, so I celebrate as I eat my allotment produce. It contains Roald Dahl day, World Rabies Day, The Biggest Coffee Morning, National Spa week, National Gratitude Day, National School Milk Week and World Car Free Day to name just a something for everyone it seems.

Tomorrow is World Suicide Prevention Day, so I wish you all a happy Monday xx


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