Roadside Diners

Have you ever stopped at a roadside diner?

No, I'm not talking about any form of franchised chain of diners, I'm talking about those little trailers that turn up in laybys on our countries A-roads.
There's one near where I live that has sprung up fairly recently. It's there in the morning, on the wrong side of the dual carriageway. It's advertised as Louise's Diner. I have passed it on the way to work this week and during that entire time I have only seen one person in the vicinity of the counter and I strongly suspect that this may have been Louise's boyfriend.

I glimpsed Louise on Friday, standing behind the counter with her head in her hands and her elbows resting on the serving top.

Stopping for breakfast in a layby at a kitchen pulled behind a rusty white van would never ever be on my agenda. It just seems to be a one way ticket to food poisoning. This is probably very unfair and there is probably some very good chow being made in Louise's Diner. I could well be missing out on some top grub. Moreover stopping 5 minutes after leaving home to buy breakfast and then to sit and eat it in the car in a layby of a busy road just doesn't sound like an enjoyable dining experience.

Maybe I will just have to stop and try a bacon and egg buttie one might be worth the risk.

If you know any good roadside diners I would love to hear about them.



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