Summer Moved On

What a lovely day today was. I left for work this morning at approximately 7.15 British Summer Time. The Sun was already out but it was clear that summer was starting to wave goodbye for another year.

The tell tale signs are there:

The Sun is noticeably lower in the sky;

There is a different light, somehow cooler, crisper looking;

This morning a thin mist was visible across the fields;

My car was covered in dew;

And there was a definite chill in the air.

As the Sun climbed in the sky any clouds disappeared and a beautiful blue sky developed. At lunchtime I stood outside and just took some time taking in the amazing colour. The temperature rose to a barmy 26 degrees as though summer just wanted one last bite at the cherry.

Always the giveaway when it comes to autumn is the change in colour of the trees. This week I have just started to notice the way in which the bright greens are metamorphosing into the autumnal palette of yellows, orange and reds.

Summer Moved On, as the band Aha sang..

As the next few weeks go by these colours will develop until the leaves fall from the branches and then winter will be upon us.



  1. Was going to write a great use of an aHa sOng in your blog title. I get to to the bottom and what do I see?! Loving your work!


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