Sweet memories

Yum. I just had a very nice treat for a Friday afternoon.

A packet of Jelly Tots.

Jelly Tots are a sweet from my childhood. Fruity, juicy, chewy and slightly tangy. A delicious taste sensation. The best bit the sugar left in the packet that can be tipped out into your mouth after all the Tots have been finished.

I usually associate Jelly Tots with Christmas as I used to get a big tube of them each year. This was of course when Woolworths still existed. Woolworths surely was the shop if sweets and Easter eggs!

Another childhood favourite of mine was Kinder chocolate bars. These were hard to come by in this country but could be bought on the continent. They were a firm favourite of mine and I would stock up on them when we travelled to France. To be honest I still do. I still love them, and nowadays I can buy them in the supermarket, not good for the waistline. When there is a packet in the fridge it doesn't last long.

The sweet I really remember from my childhood however is the Cadbury's Fudge Bar. Those of you that like myself are middle aged will remember the jaunty song from the advert, 'A finger of fudge is just enough, to give your kids a treat. A Cadbury's fudge is just enough until its time to eat. It's full of Cadbury goodness and very small and neat. A finger of fudge is just enough to give your kids a treat.' I remember the advert well, especially the kids face when he was left behind with his conker.


As the advert states the Cadbury Finger of Fudge was just 10p. When I was 11 I used to have to walk down the road to catch the school bus. On the way I used to have to walk past a little corner shop (which now does not exist). There was a promotion on Fudge bars. If you saved up 100 wrappers and sent them away then you would be sent back a Cadbury ruler with a built in calculator! This was th height of technology. It was a must have. Everyday I handed over 10p, bought a Fudge, devoured it on the bus and saved the wrapper. Eventually I saved up all 100 wrappers. I sent them off to the promotion address and duly waited the 28 days for my hard earned ruler calculator to arrive.

It never did.

For a while I protested. I boycotted Cadbury's products and turned to Mars, buying Marathon's (now Snickers) instead. But after a while I gave up my principles and turned back to Cadbury. I even very occasionally have a Finger of Fudge now. But I will never forgive the missing ruler with built in calculator.



  1. Stick to your guns and call Cadburys! Demand your ruler!

  2. Wow.. I remember too, the fudge ruler calculator offer! My friend and I not only bought and ate about 60 fudge bars each, we also scoured the streets on bike for empty wrappers (yuk!) and sent them in too. I can only imagine the face of the poor, manky wrapper recipient and sensing our clear and utter desperation, swiftly sending our rulers out by return. I haven't eaten a Fudge since then. and yes, demand your ruler!

  3. Iv still got my fudge calculator ruler


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