Washing Machines

How important is your washing machine to you? If you were asked to rate the electrical appliances in your home in order of importance I doubt that it would be in the top three, probably the top three would include oven, TV and fridge.

It is only when the washing machine is absent that you start to realise how useful it actually is. My washing machine is on the way out. It first failed in June when I opened it one weekend morning to remove washing that had been washed overnight, I had failed to notice that the machine had not drained and upon opening the door was soaked by a deluge like I would imagine would happen if ever the Hoover Dam failed.

It took quite a while for the flood to be cleared and then at least a week until the washing machine was fixed. During that time the washing in a busy family certainly started to build up. Once fixed it seemed that the washing machine was performing as it should.




That was until today...

The washing machine failed to spin properly yesterday whilst washing a bath mat, this morning it spun fine so I naturally thought that the problem was temporary. I put on another load of washing and everything seemed to be working well. Forty five minutes later I heard the noise of water pouring out onto the floor. I ran to the machine to find water pouring out of the detergent drawer. I quickly turned off the machine and the water and then spent the next half an hour clearing up the mess and emptying the machine with a plastic cup.

The washing that was in there was sodden and still soapy so that it required rinsing in the bath, wringing out and then hanging on the line. I really need a mangle as the towels are still wet even though they had been in the line in the sun for four hours. Then I realised how important the washing machine is.

So now we need a new washing machine, even if our current one was fixed I just don't trust it now. And when you have lost trust in an electrical appliance it's time to throw it out and start afresh.



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