
I often have to bring work home. I guess you would call this homework. I think since I was about 12 I have always had to do homework. Now 28 years later I am still doing it. I guess in the job that I do I signed up for it. I understood what I was getting myself into so this is fair enough.


But recently there has been a change in the Vogue household as the younger members of the family have also had to adjust to the world of home work, or home learning as it has become increasingly known as. Slowly over the last few years and especially since September the frequency and complexity of the tasks have increased.

Homework involves the whole family. I guess this is one of it purposes, at least for younger children. It generates a parental engagement. For some families this will mean that the homework is discussed and the tasks are done together, ideally with the child taking the lead.

This week my eldest has had to do some literacy home learning involving commas, something, I am, not, very good at. Tonight she has had to find out what space suits are made of. She has to choose 10 kitchen items, place them in order of estimated mass then measure their mass and comment on how good the estimation was.

Now when I get home for work I have my own homework to do and also help with my children's learning. So for those of you that think homework is in the past for you...watch out as the kids grow up it comes back with a vengeance.


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