Wildlife, where is it all?

A friend of mine a few weeks ago asked a good question, in fact a very good question...why if there are so many birds in the world do you not see any dead ones?

I have considered this question a lot since it was posed and you know it is a tricky one to answer.

This week I have seen some dead animals, a fox, a badger and a frog but no dead birds. The last time I saw a live fox was last week, a frog back in the summer and I have never seen a live badger in the wild. But I have seen dead ones. Conversely I have seen literally a hundred birds this week but no dead ones. It has to be said that this is a bit of a conundrum.

Now often with these kind of questions someone has asked them before and the question has been addressed by the RSPB http://www.rspb.org.uk/advice/expert/previous/deadbirds.aspx

The answer sounds plausible but I think that maybe they are beamed up by aliens that like to eat bird pie.

Any other theories anyone?


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