How much!?!

Sunday night means the Antiques Roadshow. It really is a national institution and one if those programmes that the BBC is known for. Week after week, year after year the public flood to the show in the hope that they might have something interesting enough to make the show and perhaps even prove to be valuable.

It is amazing how many fabulous things that people seem to have. If I went walking around my house I wouldn't be able to find a single item worthy of taking to the roadshow.

I do get a little annoyed at those people that turn up with items that are very personal and they obviously know more than the experts. I'm not particularly interested in someone's grandad that used to do something not that interesting.

Of course one of the delights of the Antiques Roadshow is being able to guess the price tag on the items before the experts give their valuation. It's a timeless pastime, handed down from parents to their children.

Today I discovered that you could play this by pressing the red button. Very excited I had a go. It turns out I am absolutely rubbish. I only managed 5 correct answers and was ranked a Novice, the cheek of it.

I might not play next week...


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