School dinners

This week I heard someone make a huge claim. They said that on Wednesdays schools across the country all serve up a roast dinner. An interesting claim. When challenged the claimant provided a grand total of three schools where a roast, indeed a chicken dinner, was served on a Wednesday.

This made me ponder my own school meals. To be honest I don't really remember too much about my own school meals, only a few hazy memories remain.

At primary school I can remember having to eat in silence and I can't really remember eating any food that was that nice. I remember semolina with a lump of jam, perhaps strawberry, in the middle. I haven't eaten semolina since... I remember eating this dessert which I believe was called a coconut volcano. The pudding was shaped like a volcano with a purple summit, it was quite tough and required chewing, not my favourite.

Always the best thing about school dinners was chip day. Who doesn't want chips? Everyone loves them don't they? Well no, not at my primary school. For some reason the chips tasted like pineapple. Apparently this is something to do with the oil, yummy.

School dinner are much improved now...I think. Thanks Jamie Oliver.



  1. All Gateshead council secondaries, all, North Tyneside council secondaries, all Herts council schools, Durham secondaries - whilst not a comprehensive selection it's significant! And indeed national roast dinner day takes place next Wednesday
    - could it have been a more timely piece, Ed?


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