Thanks a lot Roberto Nevelis...Not

The year was 1095, the place Venice, Italy.

During that time a gentleman by the name of Roberto Nevelis was teaching students in a school in Venice. According to some many sources (although I have yet to find one that I could say was reliable) Roberto is credited for the invention of homework.

Great invention Rob. Thanks. So obviously the students haven't worked hard enough at school so send them away to do more work in the evening.

Lets consider 1095 in Britain. The country was still recovering from the cultural change of the Norman conquest. Pembroke Castle was built. William II was on the throne and would be for another five years. England was miles away from homework, although there were many schools some of which still exist today. The crown for the eldest being claimed by The King's School believed to have been founded in AD597 by Saint Augustine.

I arrived home from work tonght to be faced with the kids homework. Maths, more maths and English. Give us a break. The kids had been at school all day and I have been at work. Just need a cup of tea please and a sit down.

I wonder how many arguments begin in the average household over home work? I wonder how many detentions are served due to the non submission of the homework? I wonder how many hours teachers spend marking the homework?

Homework = Delete



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