It's wet out there.

This Autumn has been certainly been damp, with rainfall over the Autumn months being 109% above the 1971-2910 average. I think that makes 2012 one of the wettest years on record. The rain that dampened spirits during the Jubilee abated for the Olympics and then seemed to return with a vengeance during September and again during the last few days.

The ground is sodden and it is strange to contemplate that much of Britain was under a drought order during the earlier months of the year.

I feel very sorry for those people who's houses, possessions and lives have been affected by the latest round of floods. Of course it is never a good time to be flooded but for that to happen a few days before Christmas is just the most awful thing.

So for those people out there who tonight have barricaded their front doors with sand bags and other flood defences and are anxiously watching the using waters I hope that your fears are unfounded, the rain stops and the river levels recede.



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