Now that is controversial...

According to the Wkipedia entry controversy is a state of prolonged public dispute or debate, usually concerning a matter of conflicting opinion or point of view. It goes on to state that the most controversial subjects, topics or areas are politics, religion and sex.

Of course the main debate in the UK today is a topic that has a great deal of politics, religion and sex surrounding it, however I will come back to that later.

I thought I would try to find out the top ten most controversial subjects ever, just to make sure that this blog entry was full of controversy. After a bit of searching I came across I website ( that suggests the top 10 controversial topics that every citizen should consider:

  • Should human cloning be pursued?
  • Should health care be provided by the state?
  • How should immigration be dealt with?
  • What role should the government play in religion and vice versa?
  • Should abortion be legal?
  • Is war ever justified?
  • Should everyone be allowed to carry guns?
  • Should we have the death penalty?
  • What is the role of government in society?
  • Should homosexual couples have the same rights to marry as heterosexual couples?
I think you will agree that this website has gathered together some pretty controversial subjects that certainly would divide opinion. For me nearly all of the questions have a definite answer although a few of my answers may be laced with a number of caveats.

The last question is very topical. The government have announced that same sex couples will be able to marry if they can find a church or minister to do it. The Church of England and that of Wales will be banned in law from offering same-sex marriages but some other religious denominations will be able to 'opt-in'.

To me this doesn't appear to be changing very much. Some cynical views I have heard voiced in the last couple of days is that the PM is trying to grab the gay vote by being pro-gay marriage. I'm not sure. I would like to think that he is doing it because that's what he believes in.

I think the debate has shifted especially since the introduction of the civil partnership. Although it still exists in society, homophobia is not as common as it was and it is certainly now unacceptable for public figures, religious or political to openly state homophobic views. This has shifted the debate onto the definition of marriage, which many claim is something that can only exist between a man and a women.

I say that definitions are there to be changed and if people are really speaking about equality then this question really is a no brainer. The church preaches about tolerance and acceptance but in certain issues, like women priests and gay marriage these important values seem to have been forgotten. And that's about as controversial as I get.


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