It's probably too early to say it but perhaps Spring has sprung?
There has definitely been a change in weather of the last few days. The cold snowy weather has been replaced by the relatively barmy temperature of 14C this afternoon.
Yesterday morning on a clear cloudless dawn the sky was light for the first time this year as I left for work. This evening as I left work there was still a little bit of light in the sky, the days are getting longer again.
The plants across England are starting to respond to this shift by the weather gods. Catkins are beginning to appear and the early daffodils are starting to push up from the ground where the bulbs have been lying seemingly dormant until the frost and snow. Some buds are beginning to appear on the trees and the birds are becoming to get more vocal as they start seeking a mate to raise chicks with.
It sounds idyllic and it certainly is nice to get a bit of Sun back on my face. Yesterday morning I stood in the Sun, closed by eyes and pointed my face towards it. It felt as though I was being regenerated.
However, its too soon to get carried away. It's not quite spring yet. It is likely that winter still has a sting in the tail. I asked my phone, and it suggests that it might snow on Sunday!!!
I can't wait until spring. I will be able to get back to the allotment for one. I will let you know when I see the first piece of blossom.
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