Snow Day or Not...
One strange aspect of the new technological age is the speed that messages can be broadcast to parents regarding the unexpected closure of a school. What happened before the Internet, Twitter and Facebook?
I remember on school trips the teachers used to organise a telephone tree. This would have all the numbers of the parents organised in a column. If a teacher wanted to send a message to all parents they rang the numbers at the top and bottom of the column. Then the parents rang the numbers above or below them. I guess it worked well enough.
Now my children's school along with others has something called ParentMail. This allows a school to send a message via email and text so parents can instantly be alerted to a change in circumstances. Perfect.
The email from my kiddywinks school didn't impress them much as it looks as though school is open for them, it's one of only a few that are. Good. More learning and less fun in the snow sledging. It will give them an advantage over all the others whose school is closed for the day as well as preventing me from having any child care issues to deal with.
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