Annoying pictures on Facebook

I like Facebook. I wouldn't say that I was addicted but I do check the 'Newsfeed' a few times a day. Recently though a number of things have changed.
Firstly I am getting more and more sponsored links. I guess this is to be expected. Those folks at Facebook have to make some money from what is essentially free for me the consumer.
Secondly people are starting to post videos, sharing them from others. To be fair I don't mind these as most are quite amusing and they have kept me entertained.
However the last change has really wound me up. The post is always shared from someone else's post. They always am have in excess if 1000 likes and at least 500 comments. They have a picture and instructions. The instructions invite you to like the picture and then comment using a specific word and then something will happen in the picture: perhaps someone's clothes will fall off, perhaps a car will crash, perhaps someone will bungee jump.
You know what, I DON' T CARE. Stop sending me those links.


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