Get off my money you fraudsters

The beginning of the month is the time for me to pay my Credit Card bill. It's never very huge because I don't really ever spend very much on it. I logged on to my account on the computer and found to my surprise that my balance was much bigger than I had expected.

Upon further investigation I discovered that I had booked a Hoseasons holiday in Pendle. This came as a great surprise to me as firstly I have never booked a Hoseasons holiday and I say this with great respect to the company and those who holiday with them, I am not likely ever to book a Hoseasons holiday. Secondly I have never felt the urge to visit Pendle. I'm sure that part of Lancashire is very nice, however all I know about it is the famous Witch Trials of 1612 and the suggestion that the area might be haunted.

I quickly understood that a third party had somehow gathered enough of my card details to fraudulently use them to buy holidays in Lancashire and to update their mobile credit, probably on a stolen phone. I immediately phoned the bank who told me that other attempts had been made to use my card for fairly large amounts, each time declined by the bank.

In the end stopping this incident of fraud was simple enough. The bank immediately put a stop on my card and refunded the money that had been stolen. For which I was very grateful.

It's just annoying. I don't get why people have to do this. Go get your own credit card. Don't clone mine.


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