Comfort Food

What's 1000 kcal a portion between friends?

Comfort food was on the menu today. There is nothing like a bit of comfort food when the weather is turning less spring like and the weekend is being disrupted once again by work.

The question is when you feel the need for comfort food what do you choose? Well today my son chose. For a few weeks he has been mentioning in a not so subtle way the recipe pictured on the cover of. Food magazine. A 1000 kcal a portion macaroni cheese recipe.

Today was the perfect day for making it. It was full of carbs and fat. 2 pints of milk, 450g of pasta, 330g of cheese, 100g of butter. It was topped with crispy croutons and pancetta.

Delicious and just what was needed. It made the day a little better. Slightly scarily the same energy intake I will consume in total on Tuesday and Thursday of next week.



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